Changing your subscriber options
Your subscriber options can vary from a list to another. To change them, do as follows:
- Go to the list environment homepage and log on.
- Go to the information page of the list for which you want to change your subscriber options.
- In the left menu, click on the 'Subscriber options' link.
Choose a message delivery mode (those options are mutually exclusive, thus you can not select several of them):
- digest MIME format: instead of receiving the list messages in a normal manner, you will get a digest of them on a regular basis. This digest compiles a group of messages from the list, using multipart/digest MIME format. The digest frequency is set up by the list owner.
- digest plain text format: instead of receiving the list messages in a normal manner, you will get a digest of them on a regular basis. This digest compiles a group of messages from the list, using plain text format. The digest frequency is set up by the list owner.
- summary mode: instead of receiving the list messages in a normal manner, you will get a list of them on a regular basis. To read the messages, you will need to browse the online list archive.
- notice mode: with this mode, you will receive all the messages with a blank body: this way you are informed of every message sent to the list real time, without risk of flooding your inbox.
- no mail (useful for vacations): this mode makes it possible not to receive the messages of the list. It is especially useful when you have no access to your email for a long time and want to remain subscribed to the list nevertheless.
- text only mode: this mode allows you to receive only the text version (text/plain) of messages sent in both formats (plain text and HTML).
- HTML only mode: this mode allows you to receive only the HTML version (text/html) of messages sent in both formats.
- urlize mode: this mode allows you not to receive attached documents. However these documents are available in the list archive and you can access them through a URL provided in the message.
- you do not receive your own posts: this mode allows you not to receive a copy of your own messages.
- standard (direct reception): this mode is the default delivery mode; it cancels any other delivery mode.
- suspended: this mode allows you to suspend your subscription to one or more lists for a specified or unspecified period. Unlike unsubscription, you can keep track of your subscription and reactivate it at any time by visiting the "Manage your subscription" section.
Choose a visibility option:
- listed in the list review page: your name and email address will be displayed in the members list (if the list owner allowed subscribers to review the list members).
- concealed: your name and email address will not be displayed in the members list. However you email address will be visible in the list archive if you send messages.
- Click on the 'Update' button.